She was born in 1946, near Munich.
They were times of the R.A.F. (Rote Armée Fraktion), leftist organization that moved to the German company with its attacks.
Many young people were looking for a different reality to that of bourgeois society and experimenting with alternative lifestyles, drugs and free sex.

Uschi Obermaier was part of the "Commune 1", first formed for political purposes in Germany. It was created in response to moral and sexual roles conservatives of those years. While Obermaier did not participate actively in politics,
she became part inadvertently in the revolutionary movement as an inspiring femininity unrelated to the classical roles of wife and mother.
She was the first German Topmodel and a pop icon of 60's and 70's.

She fell in love with Rainer Langhans and moved to the Commune 1 in 1968.
There, the couple experienced the "sexual revolution".
They spoke openly about their relationship in the media, about jealousy and love freedom,
as they would later John Lennon and Yoko Onno.
Uschi posed naked and smoking pot,
fell in love with Jimmy Hendrix and went on tour with the Rolling Stones
(it is said that she had affairs with Keith Richards, Mick Jagger and Jimi Hendrix).

She tested all what was forbidden, lived life fully and enyojed
being the figurehead of the counterculture.
It was a feminist without being exploring their sexuality in a way never seen until then,
often as guinea pig in the social laboratory of the Commune,
which was finally abandoned again seeking freedom.
While she never was proposed to be famous, her naked in the "Commune 1"
filled the headlines of newspapers and magazines of the era.
She wasn't an intellectual, but participated in meetings in which it was intended to change the social order, but confesses to have fallen asleep many times.
He accompanied on his tours of the Rolling Stones,
took drugs, but did not become addicted.
With ease slides over the various scenarios of the social season without committing to none.

In 1973 he joined Dieter Bockhorn, who was the most important man in her life.
As he toured Asia, U.S. and Mexico for six years in a bus recycling.
They renewed their wedding vowels in every country they visited.
In 1984, Bockhorn died in Mexico in a motorcycle accident.

Uschi Obermaier is 60 years old now and lives in Topanga Canyon, near Los Angeles, California in his own house.
He works as a jewelry designer.
She doesn't have children and said that his wealth are only "friends, who are dispersed throughout the world".

There's a film based on Uschi's is called Das Wilde Leben, with Natalia Avelon.
Here a leave you a song from the film, Summer Wine, which is amazing
(both, the video and the song).
The singers are Natalia Avelon herself and Ville Valo.
17 comentarios:
a kiss!!!
Me encanta aprender algo nuevo . . . Nunca habia oido de Uschi antes, pero ahora la veo como "icon"!!
I'd never heard of her but I'm glad I have now! Very cool, I'm definitely going to check out the film.
Yeah, me = kind of obsessed with Rolling Stones mythology and girlfriends...
Wow, she was beautiful, who says models have to be mindless clothes hangers...
oh she's absolutely gorgeous. thank you for bringing her to our attention. she just oozes sexuality.
woow great post i like it very much!!!those picturess i copied all of them are great!
And chanel shoes are soo cuteee love Karl he rockssss!!!
Rock on Blonde girl!!!
Amazing post. So beautiful.
wow, beautiful. great post!
wow; very interesting; she was really beautiful, and it's surprising her jewelry designer job!
great post! very interesting and what an inspiring woman, thank you for sharing!
wow great post!!! you have an awesome blog too!!! :) xoxo, lulu
She is really beautiful I think and I like the song summer wine...
Do you want to trade links ?
i agree she was beautiful.
She's so fierce and stunning, thank you for posting about her!
Wow, I think I am in love. Hahaha. She ha affairs with the greatest rockers of all time (rolling stones, and especially jimi Hendrix!) She is incredibly beautiful... She is the epitome of an iconic figure. Great post
What a great tribute! A tribute with personality and style! Thank you so much for point out so many interesting facts and I totally agree - she is so fab xxxxxxxxxxxx
No la conocía, era preciosa! Bueno, supongo que a sus 60 años lo seguirá siendo!
Un beso
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