"Your clothes may say disco, but your eyes say rock'n'roll"


Get the look: Teddy Girl of the 50's

The British Teddy Boys are a subculture formed by 50s rock ‘n roll dandies in long jackets and creepers. They were the first youth group in England to differentiate themselves as teenagers, helping create a youth market.

But parallel to this, there was a whole subculture of Teddy Girls (also knows as Judies).

They dressed much like their male counterparts, sporting short hair, pants, sharply cut suit jackets and flat shoes. Their choice of clothes wasn’t only for aesthetic effect: these girls were collectively rejecting post-war austerity.

They were young working-class women, often from Irish immigrant families who had settled in the poorer districts of London - Walthamstow, Poplar and North Kensington.

They would typically leave school at the age of 14 or 15, and work in factories or offices. Teddy Girls spent much of their free time buying or making their trademark clothes.

It was a head-turning, fastidious style from the fashion houses, which had launched haute-couture clothing lines recalling the Edwardian era.


Get some inspiration with these Ken Russell's pictures. In 1955, this photographer created a series called The Last of the Teddy Girls, which featured photographs taken against the war-torn backdrop of London’s East End.

These quiet portraits -a direct contrast to Russell’s later bombastic directorial style (Women in Love, The Devils, The Boyfriend and The Who’s rock opera Tommy)- are an unexpected and exceptional historical record of cool.

"They document both the attitude and innocence of 1950′s youth and are an embodiment of the rebellious nature that Russell possessed throughout his life."

Don't forget to pair all of it with the proper attitude!

[sources: 1 2 3 4]

52 comentarios:

Magdalena dijo...

What an interesting post, honey!!!I would love such an outfit!!

Have a lovely weekend!! xoxoxo

Unknown dijo...

Blazer is my obsession!
Have a nice week end !

... and maybe we can follow each others!?

Nuar dijo...

Hey, darling!
Thanks galore for your comment on my blog and for leading me to yours, which is very enjoyable and inspirational!
You obviously not only have fine tastes and style, but also culture and a smart pen. I value that!
Since launching Nuar, I keep on pondering over how to improve it, and try to learn from others like you
Following you now, and if you like my blog, I'll be thrilled to have you among my followers, as well!
XOXO, María José

dinamita.paquita dijo...

that's so cute!!
love it!!

Chunky Cat dijo...

thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! great photos! lovely inspiration :)

check out the international giveaway on my blog

StyleKULTUR dijo...

Nice blog! Love the black and white oictures! Thanks for your comment! Should we follow each other?



all the pictures are great :)

Unknown dijo...

Such great style they had! I love the fitted blazer with the attitude--hope this look comes back in entirety! Thanks for the birthday wishes, hope you have a lovely weekend!

xo mary jo

Squared dijo...

Love this style! Love it! I want a pair of pants like those!
By the way, it's very weird but I started following you a while ago and for some reason it said I wasn't so I just clicked on it to follow you again!

Test dijo...

the brits always have had great style! Happy Friday!

christian dijo...

love this!


The Dragonfruit dijo...

Very informative post, I learned a lot just from reading it!
Teddy Girls have the menswear look nailed! Haha, I do love me a good blazer <3


Julie Ann Lozada dijo...

these vintage clothing is so gorgeous! nice post.

It’s a GIRL Thing

Unknown dijo...

Hey dear

Very nice post. Thank you so much for the lovely comment. Do you know the Marni at H&M Kollekton? I was allowed in the H&M showroom Zürich to look at the collection. All photos are on my blog. How do you like our collection?

<3 Anja


Paloma and Jess dijo...

Love this post! Thanks for the lovely comment :) we are following! Would be great if you could follow back :)




I bought a Blazer last month and I love it !
Fantastic look, xoxo.
follow u.

Unknown dijo...

Thank you for your lovely comment! I like your blog and I follow you...I hope you'll be my new follower too, ciao!Paolo

Outside Looking In dijo...

Great post! I love this style! I'm following you on GFC and bloglovin. Thanks for your comment on my blog and I hope you'll follow back!


Anónimo dijo...

I love blazers!!!^^


Bravoe Runway dijo...

These ladies looked AMAZING! Even though it was long ago, they had style and made their own fashion! Thank you for the history lesson, I didn't know these ladies existed. Hope you'll stop by and would you like to follow each other?

TrueLoveComesOnlyinBoutique dijo...

thanks for your comment on my blog !!! :) nice your blog! kisses


Sara dijo...

Me ha encantado descubrir tu blog, gracias por pasarte.Te sigo

El post me ha encantado


Megan Elizabeth Rose dijo...

awesome inspiration! x

Stefania B. dijo...

very great post!!! now I know something else. thanks. following u

See Xiong. dijo...

thanks for checking out my blog. You have an awesome one. I'm now following you. Hopefully you can return the follow. =).

Jessica dijo...

I love these looks and you have choosen some great options for replicating the look!

Stop by our blog to enter our giveaway! One reader will win a necklace made by Sima.

Unknown dijo...

Thanks for your comment!
xoxo vegaa90.blogspot.com

joy dijo...

This post is great, I love blazers and the scarves are great :) now following.

Audrey Allure dijo...

Such wonderful inspiration!

Anónimo dijo...

Hey doll! Thanks for your comment on my blog. This looks very pretty. You've got a good eye!



A BRIT GREEK dijo...

Yay for blazers! I do love the ole 50's look with a twist.
Great picks!

Unknown dijo...

thanks for visiting my blog :)
great post. following you!

xx Joey

love the flower girl

Jodie dijo...

This post is amazing!
I love how youvce looked into the history and inspirtation of a fashion style.
I love this!!

Unknown dijo...

nice post :) i'm following you, visit my blog if you want :)

Anónimo dijo...

Love your post! Love evrything from the 50's! :3

Unknown dijo...

love this look! I love your blog, it's great! check out mine :)


Anónimo dijo...

Amazing photos!! I love this style! :)


PalermoStreetstyle dijo...

this is style..lovely blog.


Deborah dijo...

Thanks for your visit! I love your blog, very interesting post! I follow you!

Egoitz Azcona dijo...

Qué chulos los accesorios y la primera foto!



BlondeFashiontale dijo...

Love this style!

thnx for your comment on my blog




Thank you for your comment!! I like your blog and follow you:) Would you like to follow me back?


Anónimo dijo...

love the simple colours used
thanks for you lovely comment
you have a great blog would you like to follow each other?

My lad side dijo...

God saves the blazers!!!

marc de my lad side

alba dijo...

love your blog and the pictures. following you.



METROX LOVES YOU the blog. dijo...

Wow, we so much loving your inspiring blog!! Def gonna come back for more post! Following for sure! Hope you could drop by again for our first giveaway tomorrow! And perhaps follow us back? ;)

MLU the blog.

Maria Bastida dijo...

love this post! you make me learn something new today :) thanks for sharing!! xx


Valencia Maximillian dijo...

love this post!!! and the items that u picked are just lovely! <3

Aurélie and Angelo dijo...

Great article! Great ideas and inspiration! Thanks for visiting my blog and for the lovely comment :-) xxx


Sara dijo...

Love your blog and this post i amazing! Followed :)

Bisous, Sara

Joana Mendes Lemos dijo...

love the vibe

Madd dijo...

Oh I love this style! 50s! ♥

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